Monday, January 11, 2010

My Love

Started Typing: 2:32
Currently Watching: Wimbledon
I believe that everyone has something, or someone that they love, whether they admit it or not. I also believe that very few of those same people have something or someone that they would die for, or die trying to keep themselves close to it. To me the first is lust, infatuation, or deep like. The second, to me, that is true love.
My lust, infatuation, or deep likes.
  1. Most music
  2. Nearly any book
  3. Traveling
  4. Animals
  5. Sleeping
  6. Playing ^_^

And of course others that I can't think of right now.

My Dies.

  1. My writing
  2. My grandparents
  3. My two best friends (and their husband/children)
  4. My pets

Two and Three I am currently dieing for, to keep them near to me. My grandparents, I am going well with. My two best friends, not so much. They are both married, one with a child. With one I grow further and further from by the second, and she won't admit it, even though it is blatantly obvious. I miss her more and more everyday. The other I see almost everyday, but this does not mean I am close with her. I am her babysitter, and that is what she refurs to me as. I know that she has forgotten about the friendship we had, and doesn't seem the changes that are right in front of her nose.

My Grandparents, mean the world to me. When my parents, couln't and wouldn't, keep me. They did. They taught me things that my parents never would have. I am who I am today, mainly because of them. I would be no where if it weren't for them. I know that someday, probably soon, I will loose them. Untill them, I will work on appreciating them, and hope that when that day does come, I will have made them proud of myself.

"When love is not madness, it is not love."

Currently watching: Angel

Finished typing: 3:34

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